You are welcome to rate products you have bought from our shop. However, product ratings are only possible with a logged-in customer account. If you do not have an account yet, you can create one here.
To leave a rating, go directly to the desired product in the shop. If you scroll down a bit, you can rate the product using stars or write a personal review.
When writing a product review, please follow these guidelines:
The review should not relate to our customer service or order or shipping processing. Focus just on the product you want to review and your actual experience with it. Include specific details about the pros and cons of the product. Please also remember that the purpose of this review is to provide support to other customers who are considering purchasing this product.
We reserve the right to delete or block a product review if it contains any of the following:
- Information which are not related to the product itself.
- Obscenities, defamatory descriptions, or other expressions unsuitable for a public forum.
- Prices, advertising, spam, or references to other products, offers, websites, or competitors.
- Email addresses, phone numbers, or other contact information.
- Critical or malicious comments about other reviews.
- Images showing improper use of the product.
Note: If you would like to provide general feedback about our product range, pricing, order processing, delivery, or similar, please contact our support team.